Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Tagged in blogosphere!!!

Since Roop of tissue-issues has tagged me, I have no other go than to write 5 things about me which is guarded as a secret!!

1) Iam a follower of Rajneesh (osho).
2) I started listening to rock music to overcome my Depression.
3) I am numismatist; I have more than 300 coins, more than 65 countries.
4) I always love to explore myself, so I prefer loneliness; when ever I find
time I would be in my room going crazy!
5) I use writing as a tool to get things out of my mind, in what ever state iam
in (anger,sad,happy) I write what is running in my mind.(I don’t believe
in keeping things inside , Till know i have 6 books like that.

As a part of the game i tag 2 more bloggers (whom i inspire the most) Mr.Sabu and his adformula ,
Mr.Harish and his brand world